Earlier this year, a rumour said Google will be releasing multiple Nexus 5 colour options on the Play Store. That didn’t pan out exactly as speculated, as only a red Nexus 5 popped up. However, it looks like there may be a yellow Nexus 5 after all.
The official Android website mentioned a yellow colour variant for the stock Android flagship, according to Android Police, who spotted the change. However, it has been quickly amended by Google, leading to speculation that this was a premature revelation.
It must be noted that Google released a bright red version of the Nexus 5, which looked very similar to the official KitKat red used by Nestle. Does a yellow Nexus 5 hint that the next version of Android i.e. the L release has some variation of lemon in its official name? Well, it’s not the first time we have heard lemon being used for Android L. Lemondrop, Lemon pie have been fan favourites as far as the name is concerned, so perhaps Google is paying a hat-tip to the name with this slip-up.
Android L at the moment is nameless, even in the developer preview that Google released this week. Hopefully, we’ll find out the real name soon enough.