Samsung is all set to launch a refreshed version of the Galaxy SIII in India. Dubbed the Galaxy S3 Neo (GT-I9300I), the handset features slightly better hardware to the original Galaxy SIII and comes with dual-SIM functionality. The handset was originally thought to be exclusive to China, but it looks like Samsung is making it available in India due to its dual-SIM functionality. The device is live on Samsung India’s e-store, and although pricing and availability details are not
available, a retailer has mentioned that the device will cost Rs. 24,990. The handset will launch sometime later this month and will be available in a total of seven color variations: black, white, blue, red, brown, pink, and silver. Samsung claims that the Galaxy S3 Neo is “the most premium dual SIM smartphone” available in India, which is strange considering that HTC sells the One dual-SIM in the country for around Rs. 38,800.
The Galaxy S3 Neo is styled similar to the original Galaxy SIII and retains the 4.8-inch 720p screen. The processor is listed as a 1.2 GHz quad-core variant, but the manufacturer isn’t mentioned. The Galaxy S3 Neo features 1.5 GB RAM, 8 MP camera with autofocus and LED flash, 1.9 MP camera at the front, IR blaster, 16 GB internal memory along with a micro-SD slot to boost storage an additional 64 GB. The device has 3G HSPA+, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi-Direct, Bluetooth v4.0, A-GPS + GLONASS connectivity and a 2100 mAh battery.