Apple has unveiled the new Apple Watch Series 4. The Apple launch event, one of the most enthralling event of 2018 started with the introduction of the Apple Watch Series 4 with WatchOS 5. The much speculated Smartwatch now features slimmer bezels resulting in larger display. The display, which is 30% larger than before.
The watch comes with an edge to edge display that’s now 35% larger, and to go with the new display, the company has redesigned the entire UI of the Apple Watch. There’s also a new watch face, which we’ve seen in the leaks before; it comes with a whopping 8 complications on the watch face itself, and you can customize the complications to make it suitable to your personal needs.
There are also some new dynamic watch faces in the Apple Watch Series 4 designed to take full advantage of the new display and the curved corners.
The watch now has a 50% louder speakers, and now has a new back made out of black ceramic.
The Digital Crown of the watch now features haptic feedback delivering a precise scrolling experience.
The Apple Watch Series 4Â also offerers new health features. Firstly, it will send out notifications if your heart rate is too low. Secondly, the electric hard sensor will allow you to take an electrocardiogram (ECG) anytime and anywhere in the world. It is the first ECG product that is directly offered to the consumers. All you have to do is to simply open the app and put your finger on the Digital Crown to get your ECG.
The Apple Watch Series 4 pricing starts at $399 for GPS, and $499 for GPS+Cellular variants, and will be available in Silver, Gold, and Space Gray. Orders go live on September 14, and the watch will go on sale from September 21.