Xiaomi’s third batch of smartphones that went up on sale last Tuesday sold out within two seconds, and now the next batch will be up for grabs exclusively on Flipkart tomorrow. Users who have already registered, will have to register again to be eligible for tomorrow’s sale. The registrations are still open while we write this article.
Last week, the company had put up 15,000 units on sale and used Raksha Bandhan as a stage for pitching its next round of smartphones.
This time around, the company hasn’t disclosed any figures yet. If the numbers, so far, are to be believed than the company has sold over 35,000 phones in India since it was launched on July 22. The first day, it reportedly went off shelves within 40 minutes, while the second batch sold in five seconds. Even with the evident demand, Xiaomi has been releasing a meagre number of units, much to the frustration of the masses.
At just Rs 13,999, the Mi 3 packs a Snapdragon 800, which is by far the cheapest high-end phone available in the market. It competes with the likes of the Nexus 5, Galaxy S4, Xperia Z at nearly half the price.,
For those who are unable to get their hands on the device, check out our four alternatives to the Mi 3.