Psy released a new song yesterday, in collaboration with Snoop Dogg. Hangover, as it’s called, features the duo in a bunch of contrived post-drinking scenes, trying to presumably relieve themselves of the hangover.
Check out the video here:
Hangover is nowhere as popular as Psy’s previous efforts as the number of views show. In under a day, the video has got over 2.5 million views, but consider this: Gentleman, Psy’s last song registered 38 million views on the first day. Hangover is also live on the iTunes store, starting today.
Evidently, Psy’s collaboration with Snoop Dogg has not been as great a hit. In fact, users are asking for more of Gangnam Style, which became the first ever YouTube video to get over 2 billion views. Despite being heavily overplayed over the last two years, Gangnam still holds sway over any new Psy number, such was the popularity of the song. Perhaps Gangnam is meant to be the proverbial ‘hair of the dog’ after listening to Hangover.
Comments below the video (still less than a 100) have been less than kind. Some blame the lack of a hook in the song, while others called it plain bad. The video though was liked by many. User RoadTripVidz said, “Freakin’ awful. The crazy part? There are people that are thinking this sounds good. LOL. wow.” Other comments were more explicit in their disapproval. Check out some more of them below.
So what do you think of Hangover? Can it ever hope to achieve Gangnam Style-like fame or will Psy be forever known by that one song?